Currently listening to: "Interception", a BGM from Gundam 00, with some ominous chorus. Lovely battle theme.
Quote of the day: "The Gundam Meisters are not alone!" - Allelujah Haptism (Laugh), one of the main characters of Gundam 00, with a split personality called "Hallelujah" (Laugh again), which can be distinguished according to the eye covered by his bangs. If it's the right one, he's Allelujah, if it's the left one, he's Hallelujah. One is peaceful, one is homicidal. The Gundam Meisters are members of Celestial Being, a paramilitary organisation that aims to erradicate war through force. At least, that's what they intend for now.
This is a short post, about my results in a personality test. Here they are:
My Personality
Neuroticism | 32 |
Extraversion | 39 |
Openness To Experience | 99 |
Agreeableness | 98 |
Conscientiousness | 86 |
You very rarely feel depressed and are usually in a good frame of mind, however you experience panic, confusion, and helplessness when under pressure or stress. You lead a leisurely and relaxed life. You would prefer to sit back and smell the roses than indulge in high energy activities. As a person who is open-minded to new and unusual ideas, you love to play with and think about ideas. You also like to debate intellectual issues and often enjoy riddles, puzzles and brain teasers. You see no need for pretense or manipulation when dealing with others and are therefore candid, frank and sincere. People find it relatively easy to relate to you, however you dislike confrontations and are perfectly willing to compromise or to deny your own needs in order to get along with others. You take your time when making decisions and will deliberate on all the possible consequences and alternatives. |
Pet Gifts |
Also, I have solved the scans problem. The moron replied that it's still against rules, so I made another blog, inaptly named "My scanlations".
Signing off, yours truly.